
Egg, Sperm, Embryo Freezing in Turkey

Fertility Preservation in Turkey

Having poor quality eggs or semen may result in infertility among couples. Registered in the UK, Clinic Center offers infertility treatments such as embryo, egg and sperm donation in Turkey. To get further information on egg, sperm and embryo donation cost, you can simply contact us online.

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    Registered in the UK, Clinic Center has been in the forefront among other fertility clinics abroad, offering fertility preservation with the highest quality service. Egg, sperm and embryo freezing are carried out by a professional team utilizing the latest technologies. To get further information on fertility preservation in Turkey, you can simply contact us online.

    What are the Types of Fertility Preservation?

    Egg Freezing

    Egg freezing or oocyte vitrification is a procedure performed in the laboratory that allows the patient’s eggs to be preserved over time. For this they are subjected to low temperatures, which keep their properties intact until the moment of thawing. This procedure is far superior to the old freezing processes, since it prevents the formation of ice crystals, which could damage the cells. Egg freezing is a popular procedure as the frozen eggs can be maintained for a long time without any damage.

    Sperm Freezing

    Freezing sperms is a widely used technique that allows fertility to be preserved in men. Thanks to sperm freezing, the frozen sperms can be used by assisted reproductive techniques in the future. In addition, the quality of the frozen sperms will not be affected nor will they have a conservation time limit. Sperm freezing is a great opportunity for men who wants to postpone fatherhood or will lose sperm quality because of a disease or treatment as chemotherapy.


    Embryo Freezing

    Why do People Choose Egg, Sperm and Embryo Freezing?

    People who wish to postpone their parenthood can go for egg, sperm or embryo freezing. The best time to preserve fertility without a medical indication is before the age of 35. So, woman who wish to have a child but does not have a partner may opt for egg freezing to be fertilized even when she is too old to achieve pregnancy. Men with low semen quality may also undergo sperm freezing as the quality will probably worsen over time. Besides, The IVF patients who most demand fertility preservation treatments are those diagnosed with cancer as chemotherapy will have side effects on their fertility.

    How do you Preserve Fertility?

    There are currently three different methods of fertility preservation carried out in Turkey:

    • Egg Freezing Process in Turkey

      Egg freezing in Turkey is a solidification process in which the eggs are treated with cryoprotectants and immersed in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 C. The steps of egg freezing are the same as those of an IVF cycle: ovary stimulation hormone, aspiration of the eggs, and instead of inseminating and fertilizing them, egg freezing is carried out (cryotop method), being later stored in liquid nitrogen.

    • Sperm Freezing Process in Turkey

      Sperm freezing in Turkey consists in subjecting the sample to a progressive and controlled drop in temperature, until the frozen sperm finally immersed in liquid nitrogen. The cellular damage caused by this extreme cooling is avoided by using cryoprotectants, and although some sperm will be damaged in the freeze-thaw process, the survivors will maintain the same quality as those not frozen. The semen samples to be frozen are divided into small tubes or straws of approximately 0.5 millilitres, perfectly closed and labelled, which will be stored in the semen banks. Freezing sperm is a much easier procedure than freezing eggs or embryos.

    • Embryo Freezing Process in Turkey

      To freeze embryos, it is necessary to subject them to very low temperatures. For this, liquid nitrogen that reaches -196 degrees Celsius is used. At these temperatures any biological activity stops, keeping the physiology of the embryos intact. However, during embryo freezing, ice crystals can form that can damage cells. To avoid this and preserve the samples, cryoprotectants are used, which are substances that act in the same way as an antifreeze. The frozen embryos are properly identified by a code, recording their location in the liquid nitrogen tanks to facilitate their location. Frozen embryos can be preserved indefinitely.

    Fertility Preservation Results in Turkey

    Thanks to the specific egg, sperm and embryo freezing technique known as vitrification, we are able to keep its properties intact until the moment of thawing, with very high survival rates. Currently the success rate of fertility preservation is around 95% in young patients (<35 years), much higher than that of conventional freezing techniques. A frozen egg, sperm and embryo can be maintained for the desired period, there is no time limitation.

    Furthermore, vitrification does not negatively affect the success rates of reproductive treatments, since gametes maintain the same quality as they did at the time they were preserved. Cryoprotectants used in fertility preservation allows for a life-long maintenance of the frozen samples. The success rates achieved with previously a frozen egg, sperm and embryo are similar to those obtained with fresh eggs, that is, they have not undergone a freezing and thawing process.

    Fertility Preservation Cost in Turkey

    The cost of freezing eggs, sperm and embryos differ from one another as these procedures are not equally challenging. While freezing eggs and embryos requires aspiration of the eggs by an embryologist, semen for sperm freezing is provided by masturbation. So, the cost for sperm freezing is more affordable when compared to the cost of freezing egg and embryos. The cost of fertility preservation treatments is also determined by how long the samples will be kept frozen. To get further information on the cost of egg, sperm and embryo freezing; you can simply contact us online 

    All Inclusive Package for Egg, Sperm and Embryo Freezing

    Being the leader fertility clinic in Turkey, Clinic Center provides international patients with a trouble-free treatment process. Carried out by experienced embryologists; egg, sperm and embryo freezing procedures allows for a long-lasting fertility preservation. Registered in the Companies House, Clinic Center offers the opportunity to have a video consultation  from wherever you are or physical consultation at our London office  . Other opportunities involved in your all-inclusive package are:

    • Accommodation at a 4-star hotel
    • VIP transfer between the airport, hotel and hospital
    • International patient host
    • Guarantee of an affordable cost for fertility preservation


    Septorhinoplasty Surgery All-Inclusive Package

    With the all-inclusive package, our patients will have a comfortable trip from Turkey to their home after having a successful septorhinoplasty procedure in Istanbul. Clinic Center does everything possible so that our patients feel maximum comfort, Clinic Center arranges everything our patients may need. Here are the details:

    Internationally Certified Doctors

    Clinic Center partner plastic surgeons are chosen after a close examination and hold the respected EBOPRAS, ISAPS and ASAPS memberships.

    Medical garments

    Clinic Center will give the necessary equipment to be used after surgery for each patient


    A day after the septorhinoplasty procedure, Clinic Center partner doctor or host will inform the patient of the check up day and aftercare information for a successful recuperating process will be given.

    Accommodation at a 4-star Hotel

    Clinic Center will make certain that all of their patients have the best and comfortable stays until their departure.

    All transfers with VIP car

    For a more comfortable trip, Clinic Center provides transfer services whilst our patients are here.

    International Patient Host

    Clinic Center provides our patients with an international patient host that will accompany the them during their medical travel.

    Pre&Post-op Instructions for Egg, Sperm and Embryo Freezing

    You should not drink alcohol or smoke during the 24 hours prior to egg, sperm and embryo freezing.

    Women that will undergo embryo or egg freezing must stop eating 8 hours before the surgery.

    Sexual intercourse should be restricted at least for 1 week before sperm freezing.

    On operation day, any kind of cosmetic products (make-up, nail polish, body creams / oils and perfumes) should not be used.

    Comfortable clothing is recommended.

    The presence of a responsible companion who is present after egg or embryo freezing and who will assist the patient when leaving the clinic is required.

    Fast Facts

    Duration:1 – 3 hours
    Stay:6 nights at the hotel
    Recovery:Take 2 weeks off work.
    What to bringComfortable clothes that you won’t need to pull over your head.
    Side effectsStuffiness, swelling, temporary loss of smelling, bleeding.
    ComplicationsScars, bleeding, seroma, infection, extrusion, swelling, bruising and pain, asymmetry, increased or reduced sensation, damage to deeper structures, unsatisfactory result, change over time, allergic reaction (chest infection, blood clots, heart attack or stroke and death), hole in the septum (septal perforation), breathing difficulties, altered sense of smell.
    Exercise3 – 4 weeks later.
    ScarsDepending on the technique you might have a small scar.
    PainMild, depending on the patient.
    ResultsSwelling will go down after approximately 2 weeks and final results can start to be seen between 6 months to 1 year later.
    Multiple SurgeriesLiposuction, breast surgeries, hair transplant.



    How much does fertility preservation cost?

    It is not possible to make a clear-cut list for the cost of fertility preservation as it depends on the number of eggs, sperm or embryo that are frozen and for how long they will be maintained.

    How do you preserve fertility?

    Freezing eggs, sperm or embryo is carried out in vitro by embryo biologists with the help of cryoprotectants, which will provide cell freezing with the highest rates of survival. While egg freezing requires an intervention to the uterus by an embryologist, obtaining semen for sperm freezing only requires masturbation.

    Can you still get pregnant if you freeze your eggs?

    Egg freezing will not decrease your chance of getting naturally pregnant in the future as the procedure consists of freezing eggs which would otherwise be lost through menstrual bleeding. So, after egg freezing, the patient will not have any less eggs than she used to do.

    How long an embryo can be stored?

    Thanks to the advanced technologies, a frozen embryo can be maintained indefinitely, without the time affecting their quality.

    What are the chances of pregnancy with frozen embryos?

    The implantation rate and clinical results with frozen embryos are comparable to those achieved with fresh embryos, which can be explained thanks to the fact that, after embryo freezing, the index of intact embryos is very high, even reaching 95%.

    How much does it cost to store frozen embryos?

    The cost for embryo freezing is expected to be higher than that for egg and sperm freezing as embryo freezing requires in vitro fertilization, as well. How much embryo freezing costs also depends on for how long the frozen embryo will be maintained.

    Is it better to freeze embryos or eggs?

    Since every patient has different conditions and expectations, during the consultation, your embryologist will help you decide between egg and embryo freezing, upon the evaluation of your tests and needs.

    What do you mean by egg preservation?

    Egg freezing or oocyte vitrification is the process applied to preserve the fertility of women. This ultra-fast freezing technique allows preserving the current probability of pregnancy for the future in the event of not achieving a spontaneous pregnancy.

    How much does it cost to preserve sperm?

    Sperm cryopreservation is more affordable than egg freezing. This is mainly due to the complexity of the egg freezing technique. As explained, sperm freezing is much easier. But still, the cost for sperm freezing depends on for how long they will be maintained.

    How do you preserve sperm?

    The only essential requirement for performing sperm freezing is that mobile sperm be found in the ejaculate. Generally, sperm cryopreservation is carried out by a slow freezing process. Cryoprotectants are added to the to prevent cellular damage from occurring in the sperm.

    How long sperm can be preserved?

    The time during which the sample is cryopreserved does not influence sperm quality, therefore, we can keep sperms frozen for as long as necessary. In fact, there are known cases in which samples that had been frozen for up to 22 years have resulted in pregnancy, without causing any consequence for the offspring.

    Can you freeze your sperm at home?

    As sperm freezing requires a professional medical team working in a well-equipped laboratory, freezing sperms at home is not possible. Sperm freezing is performed with the help of cryoprotectants utilizing complex medical devices.

    The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. It is not advice on your specific needs and circumstances. It does not replace the need for you to have a thorough consultation, so you should get advice from a suitably qualified medical practitioner. Please bare in mind that as with all operations, there are risks involved in having cosmetic surgery.

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