Thread Lift in Turkey

A thread lift is a less invasive alternative to the facelift procedure. You can contact us now to learn more about thread lift in Turkey. Clinic Center is a registered company in the UK and has an office in London. All treatments offered by Clinic Center are carried out in contracted health institutions with a health tourism authorization certificate. If you prefer to have a physical consultation before coming to Turkey, you are more than welcome to visit our office in London. Where you can also have consultation not just for the thread lift procedure but for various other plastic surgery, dental and more.
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    What is Thread Lift?

    A thread lift is a less-invasive procedure to lift the face and neck. Our surgeons place a dissolvable suture under the skin of the desired area, that thread lifts the loose muscles and tissues, thus provides a smoother skin. These special threads have unique barbs on them to hold on to muscles and skin. Stretched skin is held by these barbs before they dissolve. Thread lift lasts from 6 months to a year depending on the thread used. Contact us today to learn more about thread lift in Istanbul.

    Thread lifting in Turkey

    Thread lifting in Turkey is the easiest way to achieve the look you want. Thread lift does not require you to stay at the hospital and you can go back to work just a day later. The procedure itself takes around 45 minutes. If you are already in Turkey, you can have it done just in a day. As Clinic Center we have an aftercare team as well if you have questions later on. Enquire us to learn more about thread lift now. After you’ve had the procedure, these are the rules you should follow:

    Thread lifting in Turkey

    Thread lifting in Turkey is the easiest way to achieve the look you want. Thread lift does not require you to stay at the hospital and you can go back to work just a day later. The procedure itself takes around 45 minutes. If you are already in Turkey, you can have it done just in a day. As Clinic Center we have an aftercare team as well if you have questions later on. Enquire us to learn more about thread lift now. After you’ve had the procedure, these are the rules you should follow:
    Do not move your face too much for 24 hours after the procedure.
    Do not wear any make-up for 2 days.
    Do not exercise for 1 week.

    Thread Lift Cost in Turkey

    Thread lift is an inexpensive alternate to invasive surgeries such as facelift. Non-surgical surgeries always cost less than their surgical alternative. Turkey, known as the capital for plastic surgery, offers you the best price possible for thread lift in Istanbul. Get in contact with us now to check thread lift cost in Turkey.

    Thread Lift FAQ

    When Can I Go Back to Work?

    Most patients can go back to work within 2 days

    When Can I Take a Shower?

    Your surgeon will tell you when you can take a shower, however, it is usually after 1 day.

    When Can I Apply Makeup?

    You have to wait 2 days before applying any make-up.

    When Can I Exercise?

    You have to wait a week before exercising.

    The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. It is not advice on your specific needs and circumstances. It does not replace the need for you to have a thorough consultation, so you should get advice from a suitably qualified medical practitioner. Please bare in mind that as with all operations, there are risks involved in having cosmetic surgery.

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