Anemia and Hair Loss | Blog | Clinic Center

Anemia and Hair Loss

Hair Loss Due To Anaemia

Everyday we lose anywhere from 50 to 100 strands of hair in our head, that small loss isn’t noticeable at all. Hair loss happens when new hair doesn’t grow after the hair that has fallen out. Non-hereditary hair loss is known as low anaemia and iron deficiency. These are quite common and they share some of the same symptoms even though they have different conditions.

Hair transplant is the strongest solution for any hair loss problem however some cases might not be suitable to have a hair transplant operation.

What Leads To Iron Deficiency

Anaemia is a disease in which the body doesn’t have enough strong red blood cells to transmit oxygen to the rest of the human body. We can see different types of anaemia, but one of the most common one is iron-deficiency. Iron is an important mineral that carries and keeps oxygen to different parts of our body and it also contains the hair growth cells.

  • Loss of blood might cause a decrease of iron and iron-deficiency.
  •  Heavy periods and pregnancy can cause iron deficiency as the body needs extra iron on these processes in women of generative ages.
  • Lack of iron in your diet habits, if you do not consume iron-rich meals for a long  time. Drugs, for example, aspirin and some anti-inflammatory medicines might also cause bleeding in the gut which can lead to a deficiency.

Can Iron Deficiency Be Cured?

If you think you might be anaemic or are experiencing symptoms, then you should go to a doctor. However there are a couple tips you can do on your own, change your diet for anaemia. Experts say that It’s important that you eat enough iron-rich foods in daily life, especially if you’re at risk or iron deficiency  anemia has been diagnosed in you.

The aims of curing iron-deficiency anaemia are to treat its principal cause and reinstate  hemoglobin, normal levels of red blood cells and iron.

It’s unfortunately not possible to fix iron deficiency overnight. It is advised patients to take iron supplementation for a couple months or longer to replenish their iron reserves. Afterwards they’ll start to feel their body changing after a week or so of the treatment.

Doctors should be consulted for iron level rechecking.

Get some expert advice about healthy eating and getting enough iron in your diet.There are also some recommendations to fix iron deficiency below;

Meat, containing whole unprocessed grain cereals, poultry and fish are preferable sources of dietary iron.

The liver is very popular for its rich source of iron but women who are pregnant should stay away from the liver because of its high vitamin A content.

Put some iron-strengthened breakfast cereals and breads in the morning on your plate.

Can Hair Transplant Help Hair Loss Due To Anaemia?

There are anaemia cases because of a lack of iron. Therefore, anaemia loss of hair is very normal all around the world.There is nothing to worry about because we will help you to look better. Same goes for iron deficiency hair loss. There are some differences between them, therefore it is important not to mix them up.

Hair transplant methods have improved in a long period of time. These kinds of surgeries have long-lasting or permanent results.

Basically hair transplant procedure is taking your own hair follicles from the donor areas(back and side parts of your head) and grafting them one by one onto the front of your scalp and other places where hair loss is more markable. This technique is highly affordable and also quite effective with the Clinic Center.

What Does Clinic Center Offer? 

For people who would like to see permanent results and thick hair, the next route is Turkey. Executing thousands of successful hair transplant consequences in Turkey, Clinic Center assists you to get the hair you want and self-assurance back with modest priced packages that include everything. Clinic Center is also supported by the Turkish Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy in Turkey. 

If you are looking for a hair transplant procedure in Turkey contact us  or you can visit us in our London office. To send an online consultation, please click here.

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