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Gastric Surgery


Top 10 Bariatric Surgery Mistakes

Bariatric Surgery, also known as Obesity Surgery, is preferred by people who struggle to lose weight by trying alternative methods such as exercising and dieting. However, alternative methods do not work for everyone, because everyone is not the same and everybody has unique bodies. One thing that works for someone might not work for anyone,

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Hydration After Weight Loss Surgery

Drinking enough water is essential for everyone, not especially for people who had bariatric surgery. Staying hydrated after weight loss surgery is, however, a very crucial part of the recovery so patients should follow a strict liquid-consumption diet. During the summer season, we drink a lot of water because of the heat, however, during the

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Seven Smoothie Recipes for Every Day of the Week (Recommended After 2 Weeks of Weight Loss Surgery)

Smoothies are an excellent source of protein, veggies and fruits. You can drink smoothies in winter and summer for your alimentation during recovery. What makes smoothies beneficial and easy to make is that you can use seasonal fruits and vegetables so, your smoothie will be always made with fresh veggies and fruits. Also, you can

Seven Smoothie Recipes for Every Day of the Week (Recommended After 2 Weeks of Weight Loss Surgery) Read More »


Beef Soup Recipe with High Nutritional Value (Recommended After 2 Weeks of the Surgery)

You successfully have your weight loss surgery and you are not sure what to eat during your recovery period. In the first two weeks after your surgery, you should consume only liquid types of foods. Because your stomach is sensitive, you should consume liquids during the first two weeks after your surgery. Two weeks after

Beef Soup Recipe with High Nutritional Value (Recommended After 2 Weeks of the Surgery) Read More »


Vegetable Soup Recipe with High Protein Value (Recommended After 2 Weeks of the Surgery)

Weight loss surgeries are preferred by people who struggle to lose excessive weight. There are various techniques of weight loss surgeries such as Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass and Gastric Baloon, and all of them give life-changing results. Once you get your weight loss surgery, there are instructions you should follow to maintain a healthy body

Vegetable Soup Recipe with High Protein Value (Recommended After 2 Weeks of the Surgery) Read More »

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