Calorie Intake After Gastric Sleeve Surgery


Obesity is the most common disease in this era. Gaining weight is so easy because of fast food and developing technology. Also, with popular culture, the ideal body figure is changed throughout the years. Everyone wants to be fit and healthy, however, this causes depression and dysmorphophobia. Because of that, people try everything to lose weight, but, alternative methods might not work for everyone. After trying different methods, diets, and, exercise plans, everyone wants a quick and permanent solution to their weight problems. Gastric sleeve surgery is a medical operation done by cutting the stomach and taking part of it. The aim of the gastric sleeve treatment is to reduce the calorie intake to ease the weight loss process.

After the surgery, patients should follow a special diet during their recovery period. The month of the recovery period is the hardest part of the healing process. During the first month, patients should drink water a lot to not be dehydrated. They should consume puree types of food instead of hard foods. The stomach after the surgery is small and sensitive, so, patients should be careful about the food they eat. The surgeon removes 80% of the stomach, so the food intake will be reduced. However, there is no reduction in the absorption of eaten foods, so, the foods will be absorbed completely.


How Many Calories Should Be Consumed After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

After the gastric sleeve surgery, results will be better if the patient strictly follows the special diet and nutritional rules. In addition, the patient should do regular check-ups and apply the recommendations. The surgeons will tell you how many calories should you consume after the gastric sleeve surgery. It depends on the patient’s weight and other various factors. You should only listen to your surgeon because your surgeon knows what is best for you.


Nutrition After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is a permanent operation if the patient fully completes the nutrition plan. After the weight loss procedure, during the first-week patient must consume only liquid foods. The stomach is newly operated on, so, it is sensitive and the patient should not eat hard foods which would hurt the stomach. The duration of a liquid diet can vary from one patient to another. Generally, it last one week, then for three weeks the patient can consume puree types of foods. In the first month after gastric sleeve surgery, patients should avoid eating hard foods.

A special diet plan is planned for the patient by a nutritionist and the patient should follow the diet for 2 months after the gastric sleeve surgery. The patient’s special diet will gradually change from liquid to solid food. In addition, vitamin and protein supplements will be determined by the surgeon.


Clinic Center offers life-changing all-inclusive gastric sleeve surgery packages at affordable prices. This package contains services such as VIP transportation and 4-Star Hotel. In addition, the nutritionist will follow your recovery period to change your special diet based on your condition. Contact us for more info about all-inclusive gastric sleeve surgery packages!

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