When Can You Drink Alcohol After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?


Obesity is one of our century’s main problems. Gaining weight is easy because of the developed technology and low-quality fast foods. And with the change in the ideal body, people search for ways to lose weight. Some people try various diets and some people try different exercise plans. However, everyone is not the same. When people cannot lose their excess weight no matter what they do, they think about medical operations such as gastric sleeve surgery. Gastric sleeve surgery is a weight loss operation performed on a patient’s stomach. The surgeon cut most of the stomach and left a banana-sized part. This aims to decrease the calorie intake and reduce the feeling of hunger.

The recovery period is as important as gastric sleeve surgery too. Patients should be careful about what to eat and drink after the gastric sleeve operation. In the first weeks of the recovery period, patients must consume liquid types of foods in order not to strain the stomach. After that, until completing the first month of the period, patients should prefer liquid and pureed types of food, because the stomach is still sensitive and they should be careful not to push the stomach to its limits. Patients can start to eat normally without eating a lot in one sit. They should eat frequently but in small portions.

As a human, most of us love drinking acidic beverages such as coke, coffee, and, alcohol. When people think about getting gastric sleeve surgery, a question comes to their mind: When can I drink alcohol after gastric sleeve surgery? In this blog, we will discuss when can one person drink alcohol after gastric sleeve surgery.

Alcohol and Gastric Sleeve Surgery


There are things that you can and cannot do after gastric sleeve surgery. Your condition will gradually be better after gastric sleeve surgery, however, there are things you should avoid a couple of times.

In the first 6 months, patients should avoid consuming alcohol. After 6 months if patients want to drink alcohol, surgeons recommend wines. Wines contain low alcohol and iron, so it is drinkable after 6 months of gastric sleeve surgery. After the gastric sleeve surgery, the patient’s stomach goes through a big change, it is now smaller and more sensitive. Patients should be careful about what to eat for every meal.

Alcohol is harmful to everyone not just to people who undergo a gastric sleeve surgery. Drinking a large amount of alcohol is harmful to everybody, but more harmful for gastric sleeve surgery patients.

Also, alcoholic drinks have calories like foods. A glass of wine or beer beverages has an averagely of 150 calories. Cocktails which are a mixture of alcohol and other beverages can contain 700 calories too. Because of that, alcohol can lead up to gaining weight if it is consumed a lot or regularly. Most alcoholic drinks have a high level of sugar in them. Because of the easy consumption of alcohol, people after gastric sleeve surgery can easily gain weight again.


Clinic Center offers all-inclusive gastric sleeve surgeries at affordable prices. Working with the best weight loss surgeons, Clinic Center gives satisfying and life-changing results. UK’s leading medical tourism company, Clinic Center welcomes thousands of people from all over the world to medical operations in Turkey. If you want to learn about gastric sleeve surgery, contact us!

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