How Showering Affects Your Hair?

Our hair is actually the most important part of our appearance. People think that their hair will always be soft, shiny, glowing and healthy as it was when they were born, and they apply all kinds of solutions and processes to it. However, when the 20s end, hair gradually loses its vitality, it does not look as full as before and it may begin to fall out.

Hair transplant is the only solution to cover balding areas since there is no way to have lost hairs back. However you can help your hair loss to with changing your life style or daily hair care routine.

In order to ensure that the hair is always healthy, shiny, soft and strong at all ages, careful and regular hair care should be done and more importantly applications that damage the hair should be avoided. The nutritional and lifestyle habits of the person are of course very important for hair health as well as for the whole body health. In this respect, it is possible to have healthier hair by changing the unhealthy lifestyle and nutritional habits and by abandoning all kinds of applications that can possibly damage the hair. First of all, we will cover the subject about how to wash the hair and then we will discuss the mistakes made in daily life without even realizing.

What’s Best for Your Hair Wash?

Washing the hair too often, using shampoo or soap every day washes the natural oils off on the scalp. Therefore, the scalp dries out and hair can not get nourished sufficiently.

Another factor causing dryness in the hair is the temperature for the shower or bath water. The temperature of the water preferred increases as the weather gets cooler and showering with hot water causes the hair to dry. Hot water causes the sebum on the scalp to break down and that makes hair strands to dry out, look dull and eventually fall out as it is not nurtured enough.

In order to have a healthy hair, experts recommend paying attention to the frequency of washing, shampooing every other day instead of every day, not showering with very hot water, using products -which do not contain chemicals like sulfate and paraben- for moisturizing the hair strands. Applying a soft massage while washing the hair is also beneficial.

On the other hand, the hair that is not washed for a long time may lead to residue accumulation on the scalp due to the pores blocked with the accumulated sebum and disrupt the healthy hair growth and cause hair fall.

  • Should I Wash My Hair With Hot Water or Cold Water?

Does washing with hot water damage the hair?
Washing the hair with hot water may cause the hair and scalp to dry out, thus the hair strands can break and fall out more easily. For this reason, it is best for hair health to wash it with warm water, regardless of the season, and at the end of washing a cold rinse is very beneficial.

  • Wrong Care Products Damage Hair

Choosing the right shampoo is very important for healthy hair. Poor quality shampoos makes the hair look dull, dry and causes hair breakage. The use of shampoo and conditioner that are not suitable for the scalp causes hair loss, dandruff and scaling by disrupting the hair follicles and scalp. It would be best to use biotin containing shampoos with a pH value of 5.5.

  • Not Washing the Hair After Workout

Doing exercise is indeed very tiring and of course we want to lie down and rest right after it. However, we are inevitably going to get a build-up of sweat on our scalp after working out and it will damage the scalp and obstruct the hair follicles. So, a quick shower is a must after workout to keep your hair healthy!

  • Using Hair Stylers Frequently

Everyone wants to look like they just stepped out of a hair salon. However, hair straighteners, curlers, blow dryers cause serious damage to the hair when constantly used. For this reason, what is ideal is not using these things at all, but if it is to be used, it is important to style your hair only after shower, twice a week at most, and to make a habit of using products that protect the hair from heat.

  • Unhealthy Eating Habits

Eating habits are crucial in determining the hair health as well as for the whole body. In this regard, unhealthy and irregular eating habits can damage the hair. Unhealthy nutrition is shown as the main cause of many hair problems such as hair loss, dandruff and dryness.

  • Drying the Hair Incorrectly

Drying the hair with a towel after shower is a habit that causes damage to the hair. Instead, it is best to wrap the hair up in a soft cotton t-shirt and leave the hair to dry on its own after the t-shirt absorbs the excess water.

By paying attention to all these issues in our daily life, we can minimize the rate of hair loss.
If you experience hair loss despite paying attention to the issues pointed out above, as Clinic Center, we recommend the most permanent solution for our patients, the hair transplantation treatment. Are you a good candidate for this treatment? Do you have enough hair for it?
If you want to get information about the details of the treatment, do not hesitate to contact us. As
Clinic Center, we offer our patients the best treatment plan with our online consultation service or free physical consultation at our London office.

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