
Catheter Ablation in Turkey

Having poor quality eggs or semen may result in infertility among couples. Registered in the UK, Clinic Center offers infertility treatments such as embryo, egg and sperm donation in Turkey. To get further information on egg, sperm and embryo donation cost, you can simply contact us online.

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    Unless it is purely for pleasure, going abroad can be a bit scary. Especially If it is for a procedure relating to the heart. Patients can also wonder how to organize the hotel and the car that will take them to the hotel. With Clinic Center, our patients don’t need to worry about that and just focus on the procedure. Clinic Center doesn’t just take care of its patients whilst they are in Turkey. But, they also take care of them when they are back home. If they live in the UK, we also provide aftercare services there. For more information about our after care service, click here  . In addition, Clinic Center is the data sponsor of Brighton & Hove Albion. Patients who come to Clinic Center know that they are in good hands.

    Since having a procedure in Turkey has become popular or “fashionable” Clinic Center has had thousands of patients and they left Turkey as satisfied patients, so satisfied that they usually come again. If you’d like to get more information on how much an catheter ablation procedure in Istanbul costs; you can simply get into contact with filling this form.  Or, if you would like to speak to someone from Clinic Center before coming to Istanbul, you are more than welcome to visit our office in London  , if you are not able to come to London, that isn’t a problem, we also do video consultations 

    What is a Catheter Ablation?

    Catheter ablation is a surgery that uses radio frequency energy (alike to microwave heat) to scupper a small area of heart tissue that is triggering fast and uneven heartbeats. Scuppering this tissue helps repair the patient’s heart’s normal rhythm. The surgery is also called radio frequency ablation, some people call it radio frequency catheter ablation.

    Is Catheter Ablation a major surgery?

    Catheter ablation carries quite a lot of risks. Therefore it can be called a major surgery.

    Catheter Ablation Techniques in Turkey / Types of X in Turkey

    Basic Catheter Ablation Techniques

    Here are the most often used basic catheter ablation methods:

    Antrum Pulmonary Vein Ablation: The base of the pulmonary veins become the place of catheter ablations because of the issues with the ostia. The antrum contains the back wall of the left atrium and expands to the front of the right pulmonary veins. Essentially, it is a wide perimeter around the pulmonary veins. Antrum pulmonary vein ablation involves lesion lines in this area, but doctors do not verify conduction block.

    Pulmonary Vein Antrum Isolation (PVAI or PVI): Lesion lines are created in the antrum of the pulmonary veins, and doctors verify that conduction block has been accomplished.

    Circumferential Ablation: Parallel to pulmonary vein antrum isolation, circumferential ablation needs lesions surrounding the pulmonary veins. Some electrophysiologists also do an ablation line that attaches the pulmonary veins on the back wall of the left atrium or erode tissue from the pulmonary veins to the mitral valve.

    Advanced Catheter Ablation Techniques

    These techniques are predominantly used to tend to persistent and long-standing persistent afib, aim abnormalities in the substrate or electrical conduction. But, clinical data is unknown, meaning that it is not known that if the techniques can halt resuming afib for the most of the patients.

    Most used advanced catheter ablation techniques are:

    Stepwise Ablation: Is the only ablation plan with a stated aim of putting an end to afib. It includes isolating the pulmonary veins and entails extra lesion lines, which vary by electrophysiologist.

    Complex Fractionated Atrial Electrograms: Ablation of complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAE, pronounced cafe) is done by certain electrophysiologists to cure persistent and long-standing persistent afib. A complex fractionated atrial electrogram is a site where there is an abnormal electrical pattern, this may be due to the extent of the electrical wave (long or short), the repetitiveness of electrical activity (too much or a little), or the speed of conductance (quick or slow).

    Ganglionated Plexi Ablation: One more advanced strategy for terminating afib is to erode the ganglionated plexi (GPs), also known as “fat pads” in the heart. Nerves that run automated tasks, such as breathing, are situated in these ganglionated plexi. These nerves also start electrical activity at different places in the heart.

    Hybrid ablation: Hybrid ablation is an upcoming treatment for patients with more critical forms of atrial fibrillation, typically persistent and long-standing persistent afib. Hybrid ablation is a dual approach where an electrophysiologist ablates from the interior of the heart and a cardiac surgeon ablates on the exterior of the heart. A hybrid ablation might increase the possibility that ablation lines entirely infiltrate all surfaces of the cardiac tissue, which is crucial to terminating afib.

    How is a Catheter Ablation Surgery Done?

    Before the heart ablation for afib surgery begins, a specialist will put an intravenous line into the patient’s forearm or hand, and the patient will be given a sedative to help them relax. In some cases, general anaesthesia might be used instead. What type of anaesthesia the patient will receive will depend on their certain condition.

    After the sedative kicks in, Clinic Center doctor or another specialist will numb a small area near a vein on the groin, neck or forearm. Clinic Center doctor will put a needle into the vein and insert a tube (sheath) through the needle.

    Clinic Center doctor will thread catheters through the sheath and direct them to several places in the patient’s heart. The doctor might inject dye into the catheter, which will help the care team to see the patient’s blood veins and heart using X-ray imaging. The catheters have electrodes at the tips that can be used to send electrical impulses to patient’s heart and register their heart’s electrical activity.

    This action of making use of imaging and other tests to find what’s causing the arrhythmia is called an electrophysiology (EP) study. An EP study is normally done before cardiac ablation in order to find the most successful way to treat your arrhythmia.

    When the abnormal heart tissue that’s causing the arrhythmia is found, the doctor will direct the catheter tips at the area of abnormal heart tissue. Energy will go through the catheter tips to make a scar or tear down the tissue that sets of the patient’s arrhythmia.

    In some occasions, ablation blocks the electrical signals going through the heart to stop the unusual rhythm and allow signals to travel over a normal passage instead.

    The energy used in the atrial fibrillation ablation procedure can come from:

    • Extreme cold (cryoablation)
    • Heat (radio frequency)
    • Lasers

    Heart ablation procedure in Istanbul is normally a 3 to 6 hour surgery, but if it is complicated, it could take longer.

    During the surgery, the patient may feel a bit uncomfortable when the catheter is moved in the heart and when energy is being delivered. If the patient feels any type of severe pain or shortness of breath, they should tell their doctor.

    How Long Does Catheter Ablation Procedure in Turkey Take?

    Atrial flutter ablation procedure in Istanbul takes about 2-4 hours.

    Who is a Candidate for Catheter Ablation?

    People who have very troublesome symptoms, like:

    • Palpitations
    • Light-headedness
    • Shortness of breath
    • Exertional fatigue that doesn’t respond to at least one coordinated attempt at anti arrhythmic medicine therapy are candidates for catheter ablation procedure.

    How to Prepare for Catheter Ablation?

    Clinic Center doctor will assess the patient and may order some tests to assess the state of the patient’s heart. Clinic Center doctor will talk about the risks and benefits of cardiac ablation.

    If the patient has an implanted heart device, like a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, patient should talk to the doctor to see if the patient needs to take any special precautions.

    If the patient is going to have the heart ablation procedure under general anaesthesia they should prepare like this:

    Important Note:

    Surgery will be CANCELLED if there is any chance that the patient is pregnant or the patient has health problems(apart from the reason they came for)(the anaesthesiologist will check before the patient is taken to the operating room).

    Two Weeks Before Surgery: 

    • Alcohol intake and smoking should stop. Nicotine slows down the blood circulation and this can have a negative effect on the result of the procedure and increase the risk of problems with anaesthesia.

    One Day Before Surgery:

    • Nothing should be eaten or drank after midnight.

    Day of The Surgery:

    • Patients can shower before going to the hospital.
    • Patients shouldn’t have any cosmetic products on them(eyelashes, nail varnish etc.).
    • Patients should pack a bag of comfortable clothes and shoes.
    • If the patient has hair on their chest and they don’t want another person to shave it. They should shave it.
    • Patients shouldn’t bring valuables things(jewellery) to the hospital.

    What are the Risks of Catheter Ablation?

    Risks for the Catheter Ablation are:

    • Bleeding or infection at the area where your catheter was put in.
    • Damage to the blood veins where the catheter might have grazed as it proceeded to the patient’s heart.
    • Piercing the patient’s heart.
    • Harm to the patient’s heart valves.
    • Harm to the patient’s heart’s electrical system, which quite possibly will worsen the arrhythmia and will need a pacemaker to fix.
    • Blood clots in the patient’s legs or lungs (venous thromboembolism).
    • Stroke or heart attack.
    • Shrinking of the veins that carry blood between the patient’s lungs and heart (pulmonary vein stenosis).
    • Harm to the patient’s kidneys from the dye that was used during the surgery.
    • Death in rare cases.

    Catheter Ablation Results in Turkey

    While atrial ablation can be successful, some people need to have the procedure again. The patient might also need to take medicines, even after the ablation procedure.

    To keep their heart healthy, the patient probably will need to make lifestyle changes that improve the overall health of their heart, mostly to stop or treat conditions that can cause or worsen arrhythmias, like high blood pressure. Clinic Center doctor may suggest that the patient:

    • Limit the usage of salt, which can help lower blood pressure
    • Exercise more
    • Stop smoking
    • Stop drinking alcohol
    • Eat heart-healthy foods
    • Keep a healthy weight
    • Control strong emotions, like anger

    Catheter Ablation Recovery and Aftercare

    After the catheter ablation procedure, the patient will be taken to a recovery room to rest for 4 to 6 hours to stop the bleeding at their catheter area. Patient’s heartbeat and blood pressure will be checked constantly to check for complications of the cardiac ablation surgery.

    Depending on the patient’s state, the patient may be able to go back to the hotel the same day as the procedure day, or the patient may have to stay in the hospital. It is best if the patient brought a friend or a family member with them.

    Patient might feel a little sore after the catheter ablation procedure, but the soreness shouldn’t last more than 1 week. Patient will normally be able to return to their usual routine within a few days after having the procedure.

    Advantages of Catheter Ablation in Turkey assisted by Clinic Center

    • Possible improvement on quality of life
    • In the merging with an absolute program of treatment, the distressing signs of atrial fibrillation like shortness of breath, exhaustion, or weakness may be eliminated or reduced.

    Catheter Ablation Cost in Turkey

    Because the quality of the doctors and the reasonable prices, Turkey has become the centre to have any procedure done. The procedure prices are 50-60% lower than in the USA or the EU countries, the price especially for cardiac catheter ablation procedure is very budget friendly. Most of our patients don’t just come to have surgery, they also come to have a holiday. Again, because even when they have the surgery and go for a holiday, the money are going to spend is still lower than what they would have to pay for the same surgery in their own country. Naturally people do wonder, if the rates are so affordable, how are the doctors so good? The rent, taxes and hospital payments in Turkey are cheaper. So when our patients come, they get more than they give. Also, Clinic Center only works with the best surgeons in Turkey, because of this, patients that come to us get the best service.

    Catheter Ablation All Inclusive Package

    All-inclusive should mean that you don’t need to arrange anything and that is what we do at Clinic Center. Because we know that getting a procedure can be scary. Clinic Center sorts all of the necessary arrangements. Because of this, our patients always have a comfortable trip from Turkey to their home after having a successful atrial ablation procedure in Turkey. For the patient to have the most comfort, Clinic Center organizes everything they may possibly need. But what are these?

    Internationally Certified Doctors

    Clinic Center partner cardiologist(s) is/ are picked after a close examination and once we are satisfied with their expertise, we become partners. With us our patients are always in good hands.


    If the patient has stayed at the hospital, on the discharge day, Clinic Center cardiologist or host will inform the patient of the check up day and doctor with also provide the patient with aftercare information so that the patient can have a successful recovery. More information about our aftercare can be reached here: https://cliniccenter.co.uk/aftercare-service

    Accommodation at a 4-star Hotel

    Anyone would need a proper rest after any sort of surgery or a plane trip. That is why Clinic Center ensures that all of their patients have the best and comfortable stay until it is time for them to go back home.

    All transfers with VIP car

    For a more comfortable trip, Clinic Center transfer takes them to all of the necessary places.

    International Patient Host

    Travelling abroad for surgery can be quite daunting. Especially If it is a country that the patient has never been to before and doesn’t speak the language. The patient or patients can think what are they going do to when they arrive? How will they find the doctor or the hospital? Who is going to tell them what is happening or going to happen? Mainly for these reasons, Clinic Center has our patients with an international patient host that will accompany the them during their medical travel. So our patients can just think of getting ready for the procedure and nothing else.

    Fast Facts About Angioplasty (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention)

    Length Of Procedure2-4 hours
    Recovery PeriodSoreness shouldn’t last more than a week. A few days after your procedure, you should be able to go back to your usual routine.
    IncisionA small one. Your doctor will put a thin tube into your blood vessel.
    AnaesthesiaCould be general or local. Depends on your situation.
    Hospital StayCould be a few hours or overnight.
    Exercise3-4 days later you can start to slowly walk. But, if you have chest pains or shortness of breath, don’t do it. 1 week later you can start to exercise(jogging etc.).
    What To BringComfortable clothes, a list of medicines you are taking and need to take, essential toiletries. Don’t bring things that are of value.(jewellery etc.)
    ResultIf it is successful, your heart shouldn’t have an arrhythmia problem. But, some patients may need one more procedure. Also, after the cardiac catheter ablation procedure, your doctor may want you to take medication.

    Catheter Ablation FAQ

    How long does the Catheter Ablation procedure take?

    It takes 3-6 hours to do the ablation catheter procedure in Turkey.

    Is the procedure painful?

    No the heart ablation procedure isn’t painful. During the procedure you will be under general anaesthesia or a sedative will be given. Also, Clinic Center cardiologist can prescribe you pain killers for afterwards.

    Will I have a big scar afterwards?

    You will have a small one. Your doctor will put a thin tube into your blood vessel.

    Will I need special care when I arrive at the hotel?

    On the day you are being discharged, it will be good to have a family member or a friend with you.

    When can I go back to work after surgery?

    Couple of days after your procedure.

    When can I start exercising again after surgery?

    1 week later you can start to jog.

    Will I need any preoperative tests?

    Clinic Center doctor will assess you and may order some tests to assess the state of your heart. Your doctor will talk about the risks and benefits of cardiac ablation.

    What will improve with Catheter Ablation?

    If it is successful, your heart shouldn’t have an arrhythmia problem. However, some patients need another procedure. Even after the procedure, your doctor may want you to take medication.

    How many patients have been treated?

    More than 500.000 patients get treated yearly.

    The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. It is not advice on your specific needs and circumstances. It does not replace the need for you to have a thorough consultation, so you should get advice from a suitably qualified medical practitioner. Please bare in mind that as with all operations, there are risks involved in having cosmetic surgery.

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