
IVF in Turkey

IVF in Turkey

Having poor quality eggs or semen may result in infertility among couples. Registered in the UK, Clinic Center offers infertility treatments such as embryo, egg and sperm donation in Turkey. To get further information on egg, sperm and embryo donation cost, you can simply contact us online.

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    Registered in the UK, Clinic Center provides international patients with In Vitro Fertilization, which is the most common fertility treatment around the world. Collaborating with highly qualified doctors, Clinic Center offers a high IVF success rate. To get further information on In vitro fertilization applications and our IVF cost, you can simply contact us online.

    What is IVF how does it work?

    IVF medical abbreviation stands for In Vitro Fertilization. In vitro fertilization in Turkey is the union of the ovum with the sperm in the laboratory -in vitro-, in order to obtain already fertilized embryos to transfer to the maternal uterus and to evolve until achieving a pregnancy.

    In Vitro Fertilization in Turkey is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure can be done using your own eggs and your partner’s sperm. Or, In vitro fertilization applications may involve eggs, sperm or embryos from a known or anonymous donor. When carried out by an experienced embryologist, IVF success rate is significantly high, averting the causes of infertility.

    In vitro fertilization Advantages and Disadvantages

    Like all fertilization treatments, IVF in Turkey also has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is of utmost importance to consult a specialist before making the decision to undergo in vitro fertilization applications.

    In Vitro Fertilization Advantages:

    IVF in Turkey is an excellent alternative for those couples who want to have a biological child but have been complicated by various gynaecological or sperm problems in men.

    In Vitro Fertilization success rate is quite high when compared to other fertility treatments. Six out of ten couples with infertility problems manage to conceive a baby effectively.

    IVF treatment allows for the conservation of embryos, therefore, it is an excellent option in future treatments to have another child again or if the first attempts have not resulted in pregnancy.

    Women without a partner can decide to get pregnant when they want, using semen from a donor.

    The woman does not suffer any physical damage when having in vitro fertilization in Turkey.

    In-Vitro Fertilization Disadvantages:

    In Vitro Fertilization cost is known to be higher than other assisted reproduction treatments. However, IVF cost in Turkey is significantly lower than many European countries.

    IVF success rate is not completely certain, it also depends on other characteristics such as the woman’s age, egg quality, sperm quality, etc.

    There is a chance that multiple pregnancies or more babies will occur after In Vitro Fertilization abroad.

    Risk of ectopic pregnancy, that is, pregnancy that progresses outside the uterus. When carried out by a professional, the rate of risk is considerably low.

    What is a Tandem IVF Circle?

    Tandem IVF Circle is one of the in vitro fertilization applications carried out in Turkey. The tandem IVF cycle allows women with fertility problems to either use their own eggs or use healthy donated eggs to get pregnant. A tandem cycle uses a stock of donated eggs in case the natural eggs have not given the expected result. The Tandem IVF Cycle is aimed at women over 38 years of age with high FSH levels or also at women with poor egg quality or low ovarian reserve. It is also a valid option for patients with poor response to ovarian stimulation.

    Why do people use IVF?

    In vitro fertilization in Turkey can be performed with donor or partner sperm and allows us to facilitate the fertilization process when there are other causes that hinder it. As in vitro fertilization success rate is significantly higher than that of other fertilization treatments, IVF in Turkey is the most popular option among couples. In vitro fertilization applications are recommended when:

    • Other assisted reproduction methods have repeatedly failed.
    • There is low quality of sperm in men.
    • The woman is old and the eggs are not in their best condition for fertilization.
    • There is an obstruction or absence of fallopian tubes.
    • The woman has undergone the sterilization process in the past and again decides to have a child.
    • The man suffers from endometriosis.
    • In cases where the woman wants to conceive a baby with donor sperm.

    How is IVF Done step by step?

    If you are a candidate for in vitro fertilization, it is highly likely that you are curious about what is waiting for you during the IVF process from start to finish. It is possible to list these fertility treatment steps simply under five titles:

    First consultation

    In vitro fertilization treatment begins with the first consultation in an IVF clinic in Turkey, in which our fertility specialists evaluate the patient, analyse her medical history and all reports regarding previous treatments, if any. In addition, they perform a complete gynaecological study, as well as a sperm analysis if the couple’s semen is going to be used. In this way, through a personalized diagnosis, Clinic Center guarantees that it always recommends its patients the treatment that best suits their needs.

    Ovarian stimulation

    IVF process goes on with the ovarian stimulation step. The ovarian stimulation is daily injections that the patient may itself be administered, if desired. It plays a key role to improve the IVF success rate. Naturally, the woman produces a single egg every month, but thanks to this hormonal treatment, which lasts between 15 and 25 days, it causes a multi-follicular growth with which several develop. This will later allow us to obtain several eggs, which will fertilize and give rise to embryos.


    It is a simple in vitro fertilization application that lasts no more than 15-20 minutes and is performed in the operating room under sedation, to avoid any possible discomfort to the patient.

    To perform the puncture, the ovaries are accessed from the vaginal cavity, and each of the follicles are punctured. It is the liquid aspirated from each follicle that contains the eggs that can later be fertilized in the in vitro fertilization laboratory.

    In Vitro Fertilization

    The next step is the in vitro fertilization of the eggs, which can be done with donor or partner semen. Through intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) our embryologists individually select the best sperm and introduces them one by one inside each egg.

    Transfer of the best embryo

    The final step of in vitro fertilization process is the transfer of the best embryo. During transfer, the best embryo is inserted into the uterus with the help of a cannula. It is performed in the operating room, but it is a quick and painless procedure, so it is ambulatory and does not require any type of anaesthesia.

    IVF Results in Turkey

    The chance of getting pregnant with IVF increases with the number of transfers, reaching its maximum when all available transfers were made in three consecutive attempts or cycles.

    IVF success rate also depends on such factors as the patient’s age, the cause of infertility, egg or sperm quality.

    The efficacy of In vitro fertilization applications varies depending on the technique chosen and the reproductive prognosis of the patients. At our clinic, techniques such as egg donation, IVF, or sperm microinjection (ICSI) offer a cumulative pregnancy rate of higher than 97% in three attempts.

    Clinic Center presents the best IVF success rates, thanks to its high technology, continuous improvement in the field of reproductive medicine and first-rate professionals.

    IVF Cost in Turkey

    H2 IVF Cost in Turkey
    IVF treatment cost is known to be high around the world; however, Turkey offers an affordable in vitro fertilization cost, guaranteeing a high IVF success rate at the same time. However, the total cost of IVF treatment may depend on how many times you tried or if you need related treatments for infertility. Thanks to our qualified embryologists, it is possible to achieve quicker results. To get further information on IVF treatment and in vitro fertilization cost, you can simply contact us online. 

    All Inclusive Package

    During your in vitro fertilization process, Clinic Center meets everything you may need with the guarantee of a high standard service. The advantages Clinic Center offers through all-inclusive packages are:


    All-Inclusive Package

    With the all-inclusive package, our patients will have a comfortable trip from Turkey to their home after having a successful septorhinoplasty procedure in Istanbul. Clinic Center does everything possible so that our patients feel maximum comfort, Clinic Center arranges everything our patients may need. Here are the details:

    Internationally Certified Doctors

    Clinic Center partner plastic surgeons are chosen after a close examination and hold the respected EBOPRAS, ISAPS and ASAPS memberships.

    Medical garments

    Clinic Center will give the necessary equipment to be used after surgery for each patient


    A day after the septorhinoplasty procedure, Clinic Center doctor or host will inform the patient of the check up day and aftercare information for a successful recuperating process will be given.

    Accommodation at a 4-star Hotel

    Clinic Center will make certain that all of their patients have the best and comfortable stays until their departure.

    All transfers with VIP car

    For a more comfortable trip, Clinic Center provides transfer services whilst our patients are here.

    International Patient Host

    Clinic Center provides our patients with an international patient host that will accompany the them during their medical travel.

    Pre&Post-Op Instructions for IVF

    You should not drink alcohol or smoke during the 24 hours prior to IVF treatment.

    You must fast for 8 hours before having the puncture. This includes water, candy and gum.
    Before going to the clinic, the patient should bathe and wash her hair.
    On the operation day, make-up, nail polish, body creams / oils and perfumes should not be used.

    Comfortable clothing is recommended.
    The presence of a responsible companion who is present after the in vitro fertilization and who will assist the patient when leaving the clinic is required.

     Fast Facts

    Procedure: Septorhinoplasty
    Duration: 1 – 3 hours
    Stay: 6 nights at the hotel
    Anesthesia: General
    Recovery: Take 2 weeks off work.
    What to bring Comfortable clothes that you won’t need to pull over your head.
    Side effects Stuffiness, swelling, temporary loss of smelling, bleeding.
    Complications Scars, bleeding, seroma, infection, extrusion, swelling, bruising and pain, asymmetry, increased or reduced sensation, damage to deeper structures, unsatisfactory result, change over time, allergic reaction (chest infection, blood clots, heart attack or stroke and death), hole in the septum (septal perforation), breathing difficulties, altered sense of smell.
    Exercise 3 – 4 weeks later.
    Scars Depending on the technique you might have a small scar.
    Pain Mild, depending on the patient.
    Results Swelling will go down after approximately 2 weeks and final results can start to be seen between 6 months to 1 year later.
    Multiple Surgeries Liposuction, breast surgeries, hair transplant.



    What is in vitro fertilization?

    It is also known as IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), and it is one of the most demanded assisted reproduction techniques due to the impossibility of achieving a pregnancy. It consists of removing eggs from the woman’s body and sperm from the man and achieving fertilization outside the body.

    In which cases is IVF recommended?

    There are different methods to help achieve pregnancy. In fact, IVF is usually the last option. Infertility is considered to exist if the couple has not achieved pregnancy during a year. The first will determine what is the cause. There can be multiple: from a poor quality of men’s semen to a woman’s ovarian alteration.

    What is ovarian stimulation?

    Before removing the eggs and the sperm, the woman will have to undergo ovarian stimulation. It is a treatment of about two weeks and consists of the administration of hormones that favour a greater production of eggs. These hormones are usually injected cutaneous. When the eggs are mature, they will be ready for extraction. The greater the number of eggs, the more likely the implantation will be successful.

    How eggs are removed in IVF?

    One of the most frequently asked questions by women considering in vitro fertilization is about the timing of removal. Three days before the extraction, a hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) is administered to the woman to stimulate ovulation. The eggs are removed using an ultrasound-guided needle. No anaesthesia or hospitalization is required. The extraction lasts less than half an hour.

    How does fertility treatment work?

    Already in the laboratory, the eggs are isolated from other surrounding cells and incubated at a temperature of 37ºC for 2 or 3 hours. Subsequently, eggs and sperm (which have been previously extracted and prepared) are joined. It can be done in two ways: insert eggs and sperm into a (plastic) plate and wait for fertilization to occur alone, or externally inject the sperm into the egg. After 18 hours, it will be known how many eggs have been fertilized.

    Is IVF treatment painful?

    The embryos will take between two and five days to be ready for implantation. This is done through a cannula (a small plastic tube). Anaesthesia is not necessary but a progesterone injection is usually administered and a period of rest in the clinic is recommended. It is not painful, but it is annoying. It can cause abdominal cramps.

    What percentage of success will I have with IVF?

    The average is around 33%. Although the success of IVF largely depends on the age of the mother. For example, from the age of 40 onwards, IVF success drops to 10%. As the first time only the highest quality embryos are implanted, the rest can be frozen and the whole process can be performed again later if the fertilization is not achieved on the first attempt.

    What are the possibilities of multiple pregnancy in IVF?

    It depends on the age of the mother and the number of implanted embryos, but it is estimated that a twin pregnancy occurs in around 30% of cases and in 3% and 4% of IVFs a triplet pregnancy can occur.

    The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. It is not advice on your specific needs and circumstances. It does not replace the need for you to have a thorough consultation, so you should get advice from a suitably qualified medical practitioner. Please bare in mind that as with all operations, there are risks involved in having cosmetic surgery.

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