Cure Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness

Hair loss is a very common problem in men. Women have hair thinning problems approximately 2% based on genetic inheritance. Hair loss between 100 and 150 strands per day is considered normal. Daily hair loss more than this number should be taken into account. Hair fall can be reduced by using hair loss treatment methods. The agents included in these hair products can only stop shedding at a certain level, it is not a definite solution.

Men’s hair loss: Treatments and solutions

Hair loss problem in men is very common, at a rate of 95%. The most important reason is hereditary factors. A stressful life and severe psychological traumas that develop very suddenly can be considered among the other main causes of hair loss. Although hair loss in men is usually seen at older ages, it can occur as early as the age of 25. Hair loss, especially at younger ages, may cause both aesthetic and psychological problems.
Male pattern hair loss starts from the top of the head or the forehead area. Only the hair on the sides and back of the head remains. Nowadays, the hair loss process can be slowed down by using various methods. The baldness problem can be eliminated with hair transplantation treatment by using the remaining hair on the sides and nape area.

Hair Treatment Treatment

One of the hair loss treatment methods is Hair Treatment therapy. It is an application performed when hair loss begins to manifest itself seriously. Hair loss is prevented by rejuvenating the skin tissue on the head. By injecting the plasma, which is created using the patient’s own blood, into the skin tissue, the skin is rejuvenated and the tissue’s ability to regenerate itself is increased. Since there is no incision made, there is no scar left. After the sessions, the patient can return to their normal life. Since plasma is produced from the patient’s own blood, allergy is not developed. It is a quick, practical and successful application.
After the rejuvenation of the scalp, the desired effect is seen over time. Thickening of hair and reduction of shedding is seen after the third session. Hair Treatment is effective for 6-8 months. If the hair loss is desired to be completely controlled, it should be applied 1-2 times a year.

Hair Treatment is not an application that provides new hair growth. It increases the quality of the hair strands, makes them thicker and most importantly, hair loss returns to the normal range.

Some minor bleeding and redness may occur due to the injection on the scalp. These side effects, which disappear in a very short time, do not leave a permanent mark. Some patients may experience headaches after Hair Treatment Therapy, which can be eliminated with painkillers. The patient may feel that their hair is falling out even more after the therapy, however, this situation is temporary. The desired effects will be clearly observed especially after the third application. The patient should not have a bath on the first day after the sessions and the hair should be protected from direct sunlight.

This therapy can be applied to all healthy individuals except pregnant and breastfeeding women and those who have cancer or a blood disease. The use of blood thinners should be stopped before the therapy.


Minoxidil is the first FDA-approved medication that has been proven effective in preventing hair loss. It is a serum that needs to be rubbed into the scalp. It’s 2% of forms are effective in women and 5% of forms are effective in male pattern hair loss. The first use is aimed to control high blood pressure. As a result of the use of Minoxidil, some patients may experience very good, and some may experience moderate healing. However, some patients may not benefit at all.
People who benefit from it, have stimulated hair follicles which begin to become miniaturized, provide new hair formation and stop hair loss. Its maximum effect is seen between 6 months and 2 years. After this time, it’s effect slowly decreases. In continuous use, hair loss slows down and it is effective in the front and side parts and especially on the top area of the head. The most common side effect observed among the users is that Minoxidil may grow hair on the body and face.

Hair Transplantation

The definite and permanent solution for male pattern hair loss is hair transplantation treatment. Hair transplantation is a treatment method that aims to regrow the hair that is shed genetically, hormonally or as a result of an accident. Today, this very popular treatment method is preferred by many people who have lost their hair.

In a nutshell, hair transplantation refers to collecting hair follicles taken from certain parts of the body and transplanting them to bald or balding areas. Hair transplant operations are carried out in a hospital environment by a team of hair transplant doctors and nurses, lasting around 4-8 hours.

Clinic Center is one of the well-known clinics for hair transplants and has been proving quality treatment with hundreds of happy patient reviews and high rates. You can contact us now to get your free personalized treatment plan according to your case.

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