Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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Everyone deserves to be confident and beautiful. Do you want to lose excess weight and be ready for the summer? Gastric Sleeve Surgery is what you need to lose your unwanted weight. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a weight loss medical operation in which part of the stomach is removed. After the surgery, there is only a banana-shaped stomach left. The surgery aims to reduce calorie intake and fix the metabolism. After Gastric Sleeve Surgery, the patient should follow a special diet that contains liquid and soft foods. Read more to learn how to maintain your diet after Gastric Sleeve Surgery.

gastric sleeve diet

People try different methods to lose weight until they give up. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is preferred by people who cannot lose weight with other methods. Gastric Sleeve Surgery makes people achieve their body weight goal, losing %80 of their excess body weight. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a permanent and quick surgery, so, it is the most preferred one. People want to lose weight but also look beautiful and not want to have scars on their bodies. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is done with special tools by surgeons that leave no scarring on the body. The recovery period of Gastric Sleeve Surgery is as important as the surgery. The patient should follow the doctor’s instructions and have a special diet that contains liquid and soft foods.

gastric sleeve diet

The patient should follow a special diet after Gastric Sleeve Surgery. The first month of the recovery period after the surgery is the most important period. Patients should avoid eating hard food for two weeks after the surgery. First two weeks, the patient should eat liquid and soft foods because after the surgery the stomach is sensitive. Eating hard food can cause opening stitches so patients should avoid eating hard food for two weeks after the Gastric Sleeve Surgery.
In three and four weeks of recovery, the patient can start to eat normally but every meal should last around 40 minutes. Patients should not eat big portions at once and should eat slowly. Doctors advise having 6 meals a day, every meal being in small portions. Apart from eating food, the patient should not be dehydrated because it may cause headaches and nausea, so drinking water is as important as eating less in the recovery of Gastric Sleeve Surgery.

gastric sleeve diet

Gastric Sleeve is a life-changing procedure however recovery is up to the patient so instructions should be followed by the patient to have positive results. Dieting after Gastric Sleeve Surgery is the most essential part of the recovery. The stomach remains sensitive after surgery, so the patient should be careful about what to eat to avoid harming the stomach. Patients should prefer a puree type of food for two weeks of recovery. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is the most preferred surgery because recovery is quicker than other surgeries since there are no openings on the body and left no scarring.

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