Exercise Tips and Recommendations After Weight Loss Surgery


Obesity and excessive weight are global problems that many people face them. Causes of obesity are laziness, excessive food consumption, lack of exercise, and genetics. There are many ways to lose excess weight, however, one thing that works for someone might not work for others. Weight loss surgeries are the best solutions for people who cannot lose their excess weight whatever they do. Weight loss surgeries provide patients with a small stomach, so, food consumption and feeling of hunger will be decreased. Once you get your weight loss surgery, your journey is not done there, yet. Now that your stomach size has decreased, you will start to lose weight and progressively achieve your dream body. Exercising during the recovery period of your weight loss surgery is crucial because you need to be energetic to maintain a healthy body and mind. Planning an exercise plan can be a challenge after weight loss surgeries because you have to be careful and not push your limits.

You must develop and maintain a healthy exercise program to strengthen your muscles, bones and heart, increase your metabolic rate to lose calories, and most important of them, relieve your stress and improve your mood. After your weight loss surgery, you can start exercising by walking daily. Walking is an excellent exercise because you can do it immediately after your weight loss surgery, and also it increases your heart rate. You can start with 10 minutes of daily walks after your weight loss surgery and increase the walk by one minute every day. After continuing for some time, you will be able to walk for 30 minutes every day.


Exercises make your heart rate increase and strengthen your muscle, so daily tasks such as cleaning the house or gardening do not count as exercise. So it is recommended to add some strength training to your exercise plans, but, start adding strength training to your plan after 6 weeks of your weight loss surgery. You should wait until your incisions heal first, after that you can start lifting weights. After your surgery, start with daily walks and gradually you will be able to exercise normally after your incisions heal. Exercising is essential for your weight loss journey, and keep in mind that you may not lose any weight if you do not exercise.


Tips and Recommendations

There are some things you can also follow and add to your daily routines to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  • Try to exercise every day of your life such as using stairs instead of elevators.
  • Try to push yourself to move more often.
  • Join a gym and try every class and stick with the one you enjoy the most.
  • Listening to music while working out is a good motivation. Listen to fast and high-energy music while exercising.
  • After your recovery and incisions healed, try to walk as often as you can.
  • Walking your dog is a good reason to go outside and walk.
  • When you go to your job, park your car as far from your destination as possible or if you use public transportation, get off early and walk to your job.
  • Pack your gym bag in the morning, so that you can head straight to the gym after work.
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