Reviewed and Approved by Prof. Dr. Aydin

Clinic Center is a company that gives aftercare services in the UK. All treatments offered by Clinic Center are carried out in contracted health institutions with a health tourism authorization certificate. If you reside in London or able to come to London easily, you can even have a consultation before coming to Istanbul. If not, no worries, you can have a video consultation, you just need to fill in the form online.
Imagine you have to always feel the need to hide your ears, if you are a female, always having your hair down because you are embarrassed of your ears, if you are a male, either you had to get your hair long, or just had to live with ears you aren’t happy with. There are so many people who are not happy with their ears. If having plastic surgery in your own country is too expensive, then you can look elsewhere, like Istanbul/ Turkey where the prices are very affordable, especially at Clinic Center who have for years welcomed and continues to welcome thousands of patients who have come to have surgery, one of these is otoplasty surgery also known as ear pinning back surgery. A lot of patients choose Clinic Center because we only work with the best and our prices are very reasonable. If you’d like to get more information on how much the otoplasty cost is; you can simply get into contact with us.
What is Cosmetic Ear Surgery?
Otoplasty (cosmetic ear surgery) otherwise known as ear pinning back surgery, is a procedure done to change how the ear looks, where it is, or the size of the ears.
Patients can choose to have an otoplasty procedure if they have protruding ears. They may also contemplate plastic ear surgery if they have ears that are misshapen due to an injury or birth defect.
To have the otoplasty surgery patients don’t need to be 18 or older, they can be younger. However, they can have the surgery after the ears have reached their full size.
Types of Ear Correction Surgeries
Because every patient has a different type of ear, there are different types of ear correction surgery. These are:
- Ear augmentation: This type is done if the pinna is undeveloped or doesn’t exist, known as microtia.
- Otopexy: This type is done to flatten the protruding ears.
- Ear reduction: This is done to reduce the pinna. If the ears are too big, this is known as macrotia.
Otoplasty in Turkey by Clinic Center
After millions of successful surgeries, Turkey has become a very popular country to get plastic surgery. But successful surgeries aren’t the only reason. The reason patients choose to come to Istanbul for procedures is also that the prices In Turkey are, compared with their country, is very budget-friendly. Because of the successful surgeries, Turkish plastic surgeons have naturally become popular. So, our patients know that when they come to us, their Clinic Center plastic surgeon will give them a natural-looking and the best otoplasty result.
Plastic ear surgery cost depends on various elements like the practice of the medical team and all the extras included within the prices. Each patient has a personal treatment plan depending on the age, surgery availability. Because Clinic Center is assisted by the Turkish Ministry of Health and Economy, we hold the right to give all-inclusive packages at an affordable otoplasty cost.
Advantages of Cosmetic Surgery in Turkey Assisted by Clinic Center
Clinic Center is registered in the UK and offers all-inclusive surgery packages abroad for patients who want to be happy with the way they look. Working with the best plastic surgeons in Turkey, patients who come to Clinic Center get the ears they’ve always wanted.
Otoplasty surgery Istanbul with the teamwork of Clinic Center provides you the best price guarantee:
- Free physical consultation in London, video consultations all over the world
- Otoplasty procedure with one of the best plastic surgeons in Istanbul
- 4-night stay in a 4-star hotel
- 1-night stay at the hospital
- Airport-hotel transfer with a private car
- International patient host
- Special group discount
- Free check-up and periodic follow-up
- Aftercare in the UK
When you choose Clinic Center to help you with your Otoplasty procedure in Istanbul, you will feel and look better and won’t have to hide your ears anymore.
Cosmetic Ear Surgery Results
Otoplasty has an extraordinary success rate and over 90% of the patients who have this procedure done are very happy with the results. But it will take some time for the results to be completely apparent.
The results are generally seen as soon as the swelling lessens but it could at times take several weeks to see the end results. The incision leaves a scar but, it is concealed behind the ear and, in the end, will fade and become scarcely recognizable.
Cosmetic Ear Recovery
- 5-7 days after the surgery, the patient can return to school or work.
- 7-10 days after the surgery, the stitches are removed(unless they are dissolvable)
- 1-2 months after the surgery, you may swim. But ask your doctor first.
- If given, for 4 weeks, a garment is needed to be worn.
- 3 months after the surgery, a strenuous activity like contact sports can be done.
Otoplasty Cost in Turkey
Turkey has become the place to go to when you want/ need to have cosmetic surgery. The reasons are, the doctors in Turkey are very good at what they do and the prices are very affordable compared with the prices in the European countries and the USA. Every year thousands of people come to Clinic Center to get plastic surgery, and there are quite a lot of people who also have an otoplasty procedure. Because of the success rate of the plastic surgeries done in Turkey, Turkey has become a very respected country thanks to the experienced plastic surgeons, a considerable number of procedures done every year, successful results, economical prices, and government incentives for medical tourism.
Plastic ear surgery cost depends on different factors like the practice of the medical team and all the extras included within the prices. Each patient has their own treatment plan depending on the age, surgery availability. Because Clinic Center is assisted by Turkish Ministry of Health and Economy, we hold the privilege to provide comprehensive all-inclusive packages at a budget-friendly otoplasty price.
A day after the otoplasty procedure, Clinic Center plastic surgeon or host will inform the patient of the check-up day and aftercare instructions for a successful healing process.
Accommodation at a 4-star Hotel
After having a surgery big or small, anyone would want to to rest to start to recuperate as soon as possible. That is why Clinic Center will make sure that all of their patients have one of the best stays until they leave.
Airport transfers with VIP car
For a more comfortable trip, Clinic Center transfer greets our patients at the airport and brings them to their hotel and will take them back to the airport on their departure day.
International Patient Host
Some patients come by themselves and never have been to Turkey before. So thinking of having to do everything by themselves can be a bit scary. Clinic Center provides our patients an international patient host who will accompany the patients
Pre&Post-Op Instructions for Cosmetic Ear Surgery
The instructions below are common information to be followed before and after an otoplasty surgery. Clinic Center does not take the responsibility for the rightness of these instructions. The instructions given by your surgeon in Turkey after otoplasty surgery should be followed. This procedure may be done with local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia. If the patient is having another procedure (breast augmentation, vaser liposuction etc.), then the otoplasty also will be done under general anaesthesia. If the otoplasty procedure will be done on its own, then there is a chance of it being done under local anaesthesia.
Pre-Operation Instructions
Important Note:
Surgery will be CANCELLED if there is any possibility that the patient is pregnant or the patient has health problems (the anaesthesiologist will check before the patient is taken to the operating room).
Two Weeks Before Surgery:
- Stop alcohol and nicotine intake. Nicotine affects the blood circulation and this could affect the result of your procedure and increase the risk of complication with anaesthesia.
- Don’t take any products containing ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin, anti-inflammatory medication or Vitamin E.
One Day Before Surgery:
Day of The Surgery:
- Patients can have a shower before going to the hospital.
- Patients shouldn’t have any makeup on. There shouldn’t be any product on their hair, nail varnish and false eyelashes need to be removed.
- Patients should pack a bag of loose-fitting clothes (zip-ups, clothes that don’t need to go over the head) and comfortable shoes.
- Patients shouldn’t wear jewellery, or bring valuables to their surgery.
Post-Operation Instructions
- Patients shouldn’t smoke and shouldn’t drink alcohol for 2 weeks.
- First two weeks, sleep with your head elevated and sleep on your back. Some otoplasty patients have only mild pain or the feeling of burning.
- Take all medicines as instructed by your surgeon. Take your pain medication before your pain becomes severe.
- Bruising and mild swelling are normal.
- In the first 24 hours, a bit of bleeding and oozing from the incision area is normal.
- Whilst you are awake, walk every 1-2 hours.
- Small ice packs can be put on the ears (15 minutes on and 15 minutes off).
- Mild temperature rise is very normal in the first 72 hours after surgery. The most temperature rises respond to walking and doing the breathing exercises
- Some patients will have a turban-like dressing around the head and ears postoperatively. This should be left alone until the first post-op visit when Clinic Center plastic surgeon will remove this for the first dressing change.
- Some patients might need small drains left in place, and they will be removed by the doctor. If the patient has these, our partner doctor will give the necessary instructions about drains.
- For 10-14 days after surgery, heavy lifting, bending over, heavy aerobics, weight lifting, and sexual activity should be avoided. Patients may in time take on those more vigorous activities after 10 days post-op but if there are any concerns, this should be checked with the surgeon.
How to take care of the incisions?
- Patients shouldn’t touch the area and shouldn’t rub their ears.
- If the patient needs to use the hair dryer after surgery, they shouldn’t use the hot or warm setting. Because the skin is numb, burns may occur. Patients should use the cool setting only.
Unless said otherwise, patients who have the otoplasty surgery will be staying at the hospital for the night, and the surgery is performed under general anaesthesia (unless said otherwise). It is very important for patients to stick to their plastic surgeon’s instructions to ensure their healing process goes as it should.
Otoplasty Fast Facts
Procedure: | Otoplasty |
Duration: | 1 to 2 hours |
Stay: | 5 days |
Anesthesia: | General or local |
Recovery: | Take 5 to 7 days off work. |
What to bring | Comfortable clothes that you can zip-up or button up. |
Side effects | Asymmetry, scarring, changes in skin feeling, problems with the incisions, overcorrection |
Complications | Hematoma, infection, skin and cartilage necrosis, Keloid and Hypertrophic Scarring, Loss of Correction |
Exercise | 4 weeks later exercise can be done. |
Scars | Thin scar behind the ear and in time it fades. |
Pain | Depending on the patient, it could be mild or moderate. |
Results | Cosmetic ear surgery or otoplasty results can almost be seen straight after the procedure. The results of a larger scale otoplasty and reconstruction may be seen in stages over time. |
Multiple Surgeries | Liposuction, dental crowns, tummy tuck, vaser liposuction, boob job, hair transplant, porcelain veneers |
The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. It is not advice on your specific needs and circumstances. It does not replace the need for you to have a thorough consultation, so you should get advice from a suitably qualified medical practitioner. Please bare in mind that as with all operations, there are risks involved in having cosmetic surgery.