Aftercare: Body Reshaping Garments

By now you probably have seen someone that has had a BBL or liposuction and noticed that they have all these accessories with them or on them, the most important of them is the garment. Garment tends to resemble a corset and that is why they also get called that. Depending on the patient’s situation our surgeons tell their patients the exact amount of weeks/ months they need to wear their garment. 

Patients need to wear the garment for 6 weeks all the time except shower after the surgery.It is important to wear it for full period to help reshaping your body.

But why is a garment especially important? Is it really that needed? Let’s see:

  • Garment helps with the swelling.
  • It may lessen the bruising.
  • It can shape your final results.
  • Can help to reduce skin sagging.
  • Helps with the blood circulation.

As you can see, it is really needed. That is why Clinic Center is providing free garment to all of the patients. 

Apart from the garment, what do Fat Transfer to bum and liposuction patients may need? When you check the internet, you will find that there are loads of sites that sell accessories such as ab board, foam, lower compression board, BBL pillow, female urinal and more. 

But are these really needed? Some doctors say yes, some no. So we suggest you first ask your surgeon, then buy it or them. Because if used in a wrong way, you may get very upset or if you’ve bought it for nothing, you probably won’t feel so great afterwards. 

Now that we’ve covered why garments are important, what do the other accessories do?

  • BBL Pillow: Is a pillow used by BBL patients after their procedure. Patient who uses this, can sit but their bum cheeks shouldn’t touch the pillow. So basically they’ll be sitting on their thighs. Depending on what the doctor thinks, you may have to use it for weeks or months. After your procedure or during your consultation you doctor will either say you need it, or not.
  • Ab Board: As you may notice, garments may wrinkle, this board prevents this and adds extra compression. You put this between your body and your garment.
  • Lipo Foam: This is also used as an extra compression on the liposuction areas. You also put this product between your body and the garment.
  • Lower Compression Board: This product is generally used by BBL patients for their lower back. Sometimes this product has a slight bend. The reason for this is, to give a nice curve towards the bum. 
  • Female Urinal: From the looks of it, this will be your best friend. Patients who have had the BBL tend to find it difficult to sit, therefore find it hard to pee. With this product their life will be a bit easier.

As Clinic Center we can only tell you to ask your surgeon and then use them because every one has a different body, different healing time. Basically everyone is different. Therefore, one product may not be right for “everyone”. 

There may be more products but these tend to be the ones that patients ask about or want to buy. 

Here at Clinic Center our priority is our patient’s happiness and we try to give this by offering them our best services. We only work with the best doctors to do this.

As a registered company in the UK, and a company with an office in London, our patients are able to come to our office to have a consultation and ask anything they want. If London is too far, we also do video consultation. So when our patients are in Turkey, they already know what exactly is going to happen. 

They also know that, once they are back in their country, we continue to help them. We provide aftercare services. For our UK patients we can arrange physical aftercare at certain clinics. But all of our patients will be able to contact us for any question they have. 

Now that you have an idea of what may be needed for aftercare, what are your thoughts? Would you be inclined to buy all of them? 

Bear in mind that, we are not saying that you should buy them or not. We are only introducing them. We strongly recommend you to follow what your surgeon says for a smooth healing process. 

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